What is the HEX Token Address for PulseChain?

How to get the correct HEX token contract address for PulseChain. Be careful, don't just copy paste any contract address you see posted on a website without checking first.
To simplify this discussion I will be using eHEX and pHEX to differentiate between the two different HEX tokens.
- eHEX refers to HEX native on Ethereum.
- pHEX refers to HEX native on PulseChain.
HEX Contract
The HEX token contract address is the same on PulseChain as it is on Ethereum.
Now check the contracts.
HEX contract on Etherscan block explorer
HEX contract on PulseChain block explorer
How to Get HEX Contract Address
Here's another way to check if you have the correct address.
If you already have HEX in MetaMask wallet, you can get the contract address by viewing the asset in explorer. This is a good way to double and tripple check contract addresses before importing tokens into your self custody wallet.
Check on hex.com
The contract address can also be found here hex.com/bitcoin.
Bridged HEX from Ethereum
While the contract address for eHEX and pHEX is exactly the same, there is another valid HEX contract to be aware of. It is called HEX from Ethereum.
HEX from Ethereum is eHEX which was bridged over from the Ethereum blockchain into the PulseChain blockchain.
HEX from Ethereum Contract
HEX from Ethereum Listing on PulseX DEX
HEX from Ethereum on PulseChain
Know the Difference
In the PulseChain network, the HEX and HEX from Ethereum icons have different coloured rings around them. Learn how to spot the difference when trading them.
- eHEX and pHEX have the same contract address.
- eHEX is traded on the Ethereum blockchain but is called HEX on that blockchain.
- pHEX is traded on the PulseChain network but is called HEX on that blockchain.
- HEX from Ethereum is called eHEX on PulseChain.
See also
- My HEX official links page.
- My PulseChain official links page.
- Important information about PulseChain token contracts.