Check PulseChain Price with PLSburn

Check real time PulseChain prices for $PLS
, $HEX
, and $INC
at a glance, along with other metrics such as bridge traffic, validator statistics, and gas prices using PLSburn.
PLSburn also includes how much the $PLS
price has moved from day one sacrifice.
Use PLSburn to check the traffic going over the PulseChain Bridge.

Check how many validators there are entering and exiting the PulseChain network and the fiat dollar value of the currencies staked.

Gas Prices
PLSburn also shows the real time PulseChain gas prices which is always good to know before connecting to MetaMask and loading up a swap.

Visit PLSburn
See also DexScreener to check all Pulse blockchain currency pairs. DexScreener is a powerful free application with live price charts, and real time buy/sell blockchain activity.
Pulschain News
The latest PulseChain news can be found on Richard Hearts Twitter feed, as well as the HEXican YouTube feed.